Greetings Brethren: Still recovering from a hectic weekend. The entire south Florida region was on high alert, the result of there having been a Willo sighting. Bars and taverns everywhere were locking up their stock, women were in hiding and men kept a tight grip on their wallets. Saturday afternoon I chaired our association's monthly meeting. All was serene when the peace was rudely interrupted by none other than the aforementioned Mr. Wilson. He crashed our meeting, hurled epithets at myself and the other board members and finally departed only after consuming copious amoun ts of free liquor! Said liquor was provided to keep him occupied while we attempted to conduct our business. Finally, a relieved Macky McCalla and myself retired to the nearest watering hole to partake of some stress relieving libations with our good friend George Dillon. Willo's $2000 bar tab was a small price to pay in order to retain some semblance of order. Needless to say, our membership ranks are now scrambling to make up the shortfall, which was earmarked for ongoing repair projects at Calabar. That's right student body; if the raindrops fall on your head through roof leaks; BLAME WILLO! Actually, Willo was quite restrained this weekend, and didn't wreak his normal level of havoc. The curtailed mayhem was due in part to him being busy with actual work. Yes, I said it; Willo actually WORKED this past weekend! Partly explains the forty plus days of rain we have been experiencing. Sunday afternoon saw Willo sweating up a storm, overseeing one of his artistes performing at the annual UNIFEST. Good show, Willo! Yu done know.
In the attached photos you will see the terrified CHSAA SoFla members standing together pleading with the villagers carrying torches and pitchforks while searching for Willo. After the second photo was taken I didn't even notice that my wallet was missing until I got home. And in the third photo Willo is in his typical skulking mode, lurking on the fringes of the stage. CHSAA: L - R: Glen Belnavis, Colin Beaumont, Basil Walter, Ralston Lyons, Siddy Dixon (foreground) Glendon England, Mike McCalla, Elvis Barrett, Leroy Harding, George Dillon. I am not in the picture because I was busy negotiating with the angry villagers for Willo's release. Bongo:-)
"...if you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.." George Harrison