Monthly general meetings are now being held on the last Saturday of each month. We encourage your attendance.

Our next General Meeting
Saturday April 25, 2009 at 5:00pm

General Meeting Location.
Top Hop Gardens
4338 N State Road 7 (US 441),
Lauderdale Lakes.
Located on US 441 south of
Commercial Boulevard


Now an official
501C3 Not for Profit

About This Website

Dancing With Queens

South Florida Chapter
Our Board of Directors

Michael Schloss, President.
Michael McCalla, Vice Pres.
Christopher Stennett, Secretary
Glen England, Asst. Secty
Douglas Streete,Treasurer.
Kirk Ennis,Trustee
Dwight Robinson, Trustee
Stephen Golding, Trustee



     Calabar Alumni Association, Florida chapter, is an organization committed to helping the community in worthwhile projects and civic matters including charitable endeavors at home and abroad. We aim to make positive changes by reducing adverse conditions such as violence, hunger and illiteracy.

     We will focus on improving educational standards and not only meet but exceed performance standards while serving the community with honor and integrity. We hope to build a positive relationship with other alumni associations, fraternities and sorioties in the State of Florida and elsewhere with focus on improving needy schools. We aim to follow the law and conduct our matters in an ethical and responsible manner thereby setting an example for youngsters to emulate. We aim to selflessly volunteer our service and skills for the betterment of needy students.

     We aim to encourage sponsorship of needy students at Calabar High School and other disadvantaged school by facilitating donations from individuals, groups and corporations.

Members of the winning Calabar Alumni team


It nah go work

The Herb McKenley trophy will be housed at 61 Red Hills Road for another year. In a pitched battle that ended regulation in a scoreless tie; and was decided on penalty kicks; Calabar edged St. George's College to claim victory.


It a go work


Michael W. Schloss
South Florida Chapter

Other Chapters

COBA Jamaica
Lancelot Cowan, Pres.

Atlanta, USA.
David Anderson, Pres

New York, USA.
Dr. Philibert, Pres.

Toronto, Canada
Eugene Chang, Pres.

United Kingdom
Nigel Lowe, Pres

AsphaltAsphalt - A father and friend to many generations of past students. He was the Guard, the Groundsman and everything else.

Herb McKenleyHerb McKinley - A Jamaica National Hero and an Alumni was always doing for the boys at Calabar.  We pay tribute.

Our heart felt condolences to the family of Tweedsmuir Atkinson who lost his son Adi Atkinson, who also attended Calabar.

  • June summer dance with Queens H.S. - Date to be announced.
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Calabar Alumni - South Florida Chapter      Copyright 2009